
Yesterday (8th September) happened to be the fifty-first death anniversary of my mother who zeroed into a fragrant bunch of soft and quaint memories...

A Tale of Hurt: He Didn’t Leave Me The Same!

Sometimes we fail to recognize the toxic relationships that we are a part of until it is too late. Here is the story of...
A Nostalgic School Thought

A Nostalgic ‘School’ Thought!

Who amidst you doesn’t remember the plight to wake up every morning, get ready, and then leave for school? Do you recall how you...

Happy Feet Campaign: Going That Extra Mile

If you have never heard of the Non-Government Organization (NGO) called Little Hearts or the Happy Feet Campaign, then it is time that you are introduced...

Things I Wish Someone Told Me As A Child

Now that I am old and matured, I look back at life with a certain bitter fondness. Of course, I am thankful for all...

Facing Domestic Violence During Pregnancy

Domestic Violence during Pregnancy  “Women have a predestination to suffering"- Bela Lugosi (Two women are chatting, Place: Office canteen) Renu-OMG! (Scrolling over the phone screen) Have you...

Five Bollywood Movies Every Badass Woman Must Watch

How do you spend your weekends? You go for a spa, take all day nap, shop, or just feel indecisive about what to do...

Education and Women

Why is women's education of great importance? Governments, families, non-profit organizations, and learned individuals constantly emphasize the importance of education in modern life. But why?...

Rachel Smets: How to let go of your past. Change your...

You want to change your life? This video will show you how to let go of your past and create your future. Your past doesn't...

‘Only an opportunist sees life as a winner’ says Ma Anand...

The newest episode of the podcast features Ma Anand Sheela as she deep-dives into her perspective on life, meaning of resilience and her multifaceted...

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