What trauma does to a child

What Trauma Does To A Child

The Effects of Childhood Trauma We were all watching TV with keen interest the suspense full events that unfolded when those 12 boys were being...

Teach English The Fun Way

TEACH ENGLISH THE FUN WAY ‘My son Anand who studies in an English medium school cannot speak English fluently’. A worried parent wrote this recently...

My Child (4-Year-Old Daughter) Wants To Wear Make Up

Here is a mom's opinion about her little daughter wearing make up! Do you agree? "Childhood is the phase when we shape our children’s minds...

When The Little Ones Turn A Deaf Ear To You

“Arjun, Come here. It’s time for breakfast,” For a long time, Reshma was repeatedly calling her son Arjun who was busy playing with the...
Child is stealing money from home

My Child Is Stealing Money From Home

Having a potential thief in your own home, and realizing it is your own child, can leave you devastated and worried. You start questioning...

Now You Can Help Your Kid Make Friends!

How to help your child make friends Kids have different personalities. Some of them like the attention and enjoys the company of other kids while other kids prefer...
Hives in children, urticaria in children

Hives (Urticaria) In Children

Is your child troubled with hives popping up unannounced all the time? It is accounted that more than twenty percent of the population suffer...

Does Your Child Participate In Teen Violence?

What is Teen Violence? Teen violence refers to violent or unacceptable, aggressive behavior by teenagers which causes mental or physical harm to a victim. Such...

Teenagers Inflicting Self-Harm Or Self-Injury

What is Self Harm or Self Injury? Inflicting self harm or self injury is a mental condition when one derives pleasure or satisfaction by deliberately...

How to keep kids safe online?

Keeping your child safe on the internet As we go deeper into the 21st century, the predominance of the internet in our lives becomes more...

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