child care

6 Benefits Of Childcare For Young Children

As a parent, it is your responsibility to provide better education, lifestyle and social atmosphere to your children. However, we all are busy and...
Dyslexia Test & Treatment

Dyslexia Test & Treatment – By Professional Psychologist

Identifying Dyslexia The word dyslexia is not a new problem in kids or even adults; dyslexia has been around for a really long time and it has been defined in...

Healthy Mother—Healthy Baby: Diabetes during Pregnancy

Diabetes during Pregnancy Diabetes is a very serious disease that affects over 400 million people all over the world. However, mothers-to-be are especially concerning, since...

When Your Child Interrupts Your Talk

My six year old son Naveen always interrupts me when I am talking to my friends, or chatting with my colleagues on the phone....
My child is addicted to the phone

My Child Is Addicted To The Phone

Kids these days cannot keep away from mobile phones and internet thanks to the mesmerizing world that technology has to offer. But is your...

Teenagers Inflicting Self-Harm Or Self-Injury

What is Self Harm or Self Injury? Inflicting self harm or self injury is a mental condition when one derives pleasure or satisfaction by deliberately...

Children’s Optometrist Is Crucial For Healthy Eye

Eye health has become an increasingly important factor nowadays. Many researchers say that up to 10 percent of preschoolers and up to 25 percent...

Failure—It Is All Part Of The Game

Aditi and her five-year-old son Avinash were playing snake-and-ladder. At the end of the game, Aditi won. Suddenly, the cheerful face of little Avinash...

When The Little Ones Turn A Deaf Ear To You

“Arjun, Come here. It’s time for breakfast,” For a long time, Reshma was repeatedly calling her son Arjun who was busy playing with the...
Tame the child’s temper | Dr. Mona Gujral

Tame the child’s temper | Dr. Mona Gujral

There is one question that every Parent faces at some point in their parenting journey, and that is: is my child’s anger normal- or...

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