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Fitness and Weightloss

Find Your Greatness & Challenge Comfort Zone - Everyday

Find Your Greatness & Challenge Comfort Zone – Everyday

Whilst the caption of this article sounds larger than life, in order to break it down and crystallize it, let me start with an...

Exercise Motivation: 5 Ways to Keep Yourself Motivated

Most people absolutely detest the idea of having to sweat it out in the gym and lack the motivation to exercise. A lot of us...
10 green vegetables you should eat to stay healthy

10 Green Vegetables For Great Health

Today, we are talking about the green vegetables that you must eat in order to stay in the pink of health and lose weight...

Lose Weight, Not Your Mind!

Losing weight is about patience, focus, and willpower. In order to lose weight one needs to stay determined, regardless of the constant battle between your...
7 benefits of weight loss

7 Benefits Of Weight Loss

The benefits of weight loss are numerous. Being overweight is not just bad for your health (remember, obesity, cardiovascular diseases?), but it can be...

Work It Out with Your Work Out

I am assuming that you have decided to go ahead and read this article because you have some degree of interest in exercise and...

5 Ways to Ease Back into Your Fitness Routine After Having...

After giving birth, exercising is probably the last thing on your mind. However, once you settle into your baby routine, you will sooner or...

Effective Tips to Lose Belly Fat Fast

Best Ways to Lose and Reduce Belly Fat Fast Are you convincing yourself that your favorite pair of jeans has shrunk or is it that...

10 Easy Exercises For Busy Entrepreneurs

Today we are discussing 10 very practical and easy exercises for busy entrepreneurs who don't have enough time to make it to the gym....
7 Motivational Tips to Keep Exercising

7 Motivational Tips to Keep Exercising

Finding the will and the effort to start a workout routine can be surprisingly easy compared to persisting in your initial decision. Maintaining the...

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