News From Democratic People’s Republic Of Korea (D.P.R.K.)

With sabres rattling on the Korean Peninsular Andrew MacLeod travels to find that the battle is between governments and not people! Andrew Macleod is a...
society-towards-single women

Society Versus Single Women

Society attitude towards Single Women “I feel like young girls are told that they have to be a princess and fragile. It’s bullshit. I identify much more...
THE NEW CASH IS WOMEN'S CASH, demonetize 500 and 1000 denominations in india

The New Cash Is Women’s Cash

India’s decision to demonetize Rs. 500 and Rs. 1000 denominations of currency notes is indeed a very bold move. It needed not only political...

Gang Rapes-Psychology And Dynamics

"Courageous and impassioned ordinary men and women of India braved the December freeze to protest in unprecedented numbers, withstanding an onslaught of teargas shells,...

Struggles Of An Ambivert

The Diary of an Ambivert Have you heard about an Ambivert? Well you are about to! I am here to tell you a story… It’s the...
gender typing through toys

Gender Typing Through Toys

Toys! They look pretty decent and harmless when you see them in stores and even when you buy them for your kids, but have...
You always have a choice. To leave the safety of home and let the road decide where one would reach. Or to decide where one would reach beforehand and then leave home. There is a difference between these two. The first is reaching a (or any) destination by chance whereas the second is reaching the predetermined destination by choice. By chance or by choice. This is an option you always have. Be it love, education or career, this choice is available all the time. This article focuses on career choices.

Happiness In Career- By Chance Or By Choice

Happiness In Career- By Chance Or By Choice You always have a choice. To leave the safety of home and let the road decide where...

The Mother Who Saves Money For Her Own Funeral!

The Daily Brunch website is turning six months old today and we want you to meet some one special. Meet Sicily or Cicily from...

Resilience: A Ticket For Survival

Jose Vazhuthanapilly Life’s path often is full of thorns and adversities. We feel sometimes so discouraged, tired and forsaken. But there should never be a...

My Kind Of Love

Does my kind of love really exist? I often wondered. The heart always searched and mind thought about it. What exactly do you want?...

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