The Darker Side Of Your New Best Friend
In recent times, everyone has a new best friend, which is more cherished than anything else in the world. It holds all our secrets,...
Kuttanadan Duck Roast
This Kuttannad Duck Roast cook up was inspired by my visit to the area and partaking in the Easter festivities at a Syrian Christian...
BUNNY CHOW By Monu Danesh Surendran
This dish according to me is a true, classic fusion dish. Created in Durban, South Africa by Indian labourers who were brought to work...
Beet It! Meat It! Mutton Chukander By Monu Danesh Surendran
Last week, amidst discovering lamb/mutton recipes, I ran into the beetroot again.
This time in a combination with Mutton! Mutton Chukander, they (You tuber chefs)
Can you laugh at yourself?
If you are able to look at some of your own shortcomings and blunders and then joke about it, that can be wonderful and...
Assertiveness: Your Master Key To Success
The Chief Superintendent, Rajan was doing some urgent work when his subordinate clerk Sugunan came to his cabin and asked permission to leave the...
Power of Silence Can Transform Your Life
The Power of Silence
The great power of silence in communication is well known. As the ancient Roman philosopher and statesman, Cicero pointed out; ‘Silence...
Do You Need the Magic Wand of Perfection?
A friend of mine once went to choose a puppy from among 5. One among them was limping and was almost crawling to reach...
Great Lessons of Time Management For Great Success in Life
Warren Buffet, world’s most famous billionaire and investor once said; ‘Time is the only commodity I cannot buy’. It was the great modern management...
What Parents Need to Know About Peer Pressure
Dr.Richard was living in the suburb in Mumbai. He had come on transfer from Malaysia. He admitted his only child Katty in a local...