Good Touch vs Bad Touch: How to Teach Your Child

Good Touch vs Bad Touch: How to Teach Your Child

Raising Awareness about the Good Touch and the Bad Touch in Children “I don't want to go to school momma, " Riya was crying again...

Can India be Safe for its Women?

Women's Safety in India Recently, there was news about the rape and murder of a girl named Jisha from Kerala. She was a student of...
The Scars of Love. Visible and the invisible.

The Scars of Love. Visible and the invisible.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, another silent pandemic was taking placing. It was going completely unnoticed because it was happening within the four walls of...

Our ‘Unfair’ Obsession With Fair Skin

“When you say 'Black is beautiful' you are saying, 'Man you are okay as you are, begin to look upon yourself as a human...
Malayalam Women Protagonists

Changing Faces Of Malayalam Women Protagonists

Malayalam cinema has a long and rich tradition of fruitful explorations and fine experiments. Indian cinema looks up to the Malayalam film industry for talent and...

The Big Bad Body-Shaming Issue

The evil called Body Shaming “Is fat really the worst thing a human being can be? Is fat worse than vindictive, jealous, shallow, vein, jealous,...
gender typing through toys

Gender Typing Through Toys

Toys! They look pretty decent and harmless when you see them in stores and even when you buy them for your kids, but have...

Language And Mother

Language and Mother Languages are amazing, just as mothers are! Without languages, we wouldn’t be able to communicate. Without mothers, we wouldn’t even be! How...

Women and Freedom

A few thoughts on women and freedom What is freedom for a twenty-first-century woman? Is it limited to freedom to make decisions and freedom to...

Are Women Better Leaders?

Many atlases together hold this Globe on their shoulders. Who are they? Women who put life into our umbilical cords! They can also become...

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