Sporting events bring people together, encourage the spirit of friendly competitiveness and, in the world plagued by obesity, sedentary lifestyle and inactivity, promotes activity as a positive feature. That being said, whether the sporting event will manage to achieve these goals mostly depends on the issues surrounding its organization. With that in mind, here are five tips for throwing a successful sporting event that just might come in handy.
1. Book the right venue
Depending on the sport in question, you’ll also have to book a venue that suits its needs. A rugby match requires a different venue than a game of basketball, which is something that you need to think about in time. The next thing to worry about is the attendance. On the one hand, the bigger the place the greater the potential profit, however, having a half-empty venue will be a horrible marketing, as well as diminish the enjoyment of everyone present. This is why you need to make booking the right venue a top priority but also try to find a balance between your aspirations and reality.
2. The game is the main event
Pre-game show, half-time show, and post-game events are all solid ideas, however, you need to understand that the game is the main event. This means that the majority of people there are to watch the actual game and by postponing its start, not marketing it enough and not putting enough focus on it, people aren’t likely to take you seriously. This is why you need to cut all of these acts short and ensure that the game starts as soon as everyone’s in their seats, as well as that there aren’t that many distractions.
3. Waiver of liability
Most sporting events consists of a lot of physical contacts, which means that injuries are inevitable. Of course, not every single one of these injuries is serious (in fact, most of them aren’t). However, unless you have everyone sign a waiver of liability, they might decide to sue you over an injury that they’ve sustained during the event. This can even be downloaded online, however, it would be much wiser to have someone with a legal background to check it first.
4. An appropriate reward
The next thing you need to understand is the fact that every sporting event, even if it’s not in the form of a tournament, needs an appropriate reward in a form of a trophy. Now, in order to make this event as memorable as possible, you need to customize the event. Ideally, you would make a customized trophy in shape of the logo of your organization (or at least with logo incorporated into it). If not, the very least you can do is find a sport-specific trophy. For instance, if you’re hosting a rugby event, you might want to get rugby trophies for the winning team.
5. Marketing the event
At the end of the day, no matter what the agenda behind the event was, the attendance will determine its successfulness. This is why you need to properly market an event. Invest in promotional materials, online ads and try finding several influencers from this niche to publically endorse the event online. In a case where you intend to stream the event, you might want to do some marketing of this feature, as well.
At the end of the day, if everything goes the way it’s supposed to, you’ll have a large audience of participants who won’t be able to wait for the next event. This gives you an opportunity to set up a franchise, even create a legacy. Nonetheless, just because your first event was a resounding success doesn’t mean that you can become more neglectful for the second event. No matter how well-versed you become, the above-listed five tips still apply.
About the Author:
Carolin Petterson is a businesswoman and content marketer with years of experience under her belt. She has had the opportunity to contribute to a number of popular business and marketing websites.
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