The Best Fall Inspired Make-up

VIDEO TRANSCRIPT Hey dolls! So fall season is here! And so are some amazing and new fall-inspired makeup products that you ought to have.These autumnal colors...

Animal Cruelty Awareness

VIDEO TRANSCRIPT Hello Everyone, Today, there won’t be any talking. Just our inner voices doing the reading. I want you to take out two minutes from...

The Kind Of Motivation You Need To Lose Weight!

THURSDAY THOUGHTS- WHAT MOTIVATES ME? CHRISTIAN J. EVANS “By loving myself, and the will power to succeed I was able to lose near 200 pounds...

3 Steps to Help You Choose to Thrive-Ellen Antill

In a short, beautiful message, Life Coach Ellen Antill, talks about 3 vital steps that will help you thrive through troubles and tribulations. Step 1 Identifying...

3 Effective Ways To Lose Weight

VIDEO TRANSCRIPT SET REALISTIC GOALS A smart way to begin your weight loss journey is by setting a goal for yourself. A realistic, specific...

The Daily Brunch Intro

The Daily Brunch is in the business of creating and curating inspirational, thought-provoking stories and articles. TDB is your online space, your happy place...

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