In a short, beautiful message, Life Coach Ellen Antill, talks about 3 vital steps that will help you thrive through troubles and tribulations.
Step 1
Identifying what your dreams and passions are- What’s your passion in life? Take some time specifically for yourself set aside alone quiet in solitude where you can really feel into what you love to do, “who are you”, “what are your unique gifts and talents that you bring to this life that nobody else does” and “what brings you joy”? Sit with that, think about it, journal about it. Read books that could support you in that process of identifying. A few books that come to mind that could be helpful are:
a) Let Your Life Speak by Parker Palmer
b) The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer
c)The Book of Awakening by Mark Nepo
Step 2
Identify your fears- What are those elements that are keeping you from moving forward in pursuing your dreams and passions? What’s blocking you from really moving out and starting to embrace those dreams, starting to express those dreams? What are the fears that holds you back? Are you afraid. ” I am not attractive enough”, ” I am not rich enough”, ” I am not smart enough”? It could be a million different things. Again, spending time being really honest about what those fears are. There can be a lot of shame attached to that. That just holds you back.
Feeling into it. Being real. Journaling, perhaps doing some more reading. And so armed with that information about what you love, what brings you joy, what’s your passion in life, and then knowing what the fears are that you really deal with…go to step 3.
Step 3
Engage with someone who can actively be in process with you as you evolve into who you truly are, armed with a lot of good information. It maybe a really good friend. It may be a counsellor, mentor or a coach. It has to be someone very objective, insightful, who is wise and can create a really safe environment for you to do this deep work of choosing to thrive. It is a big transformational step.
Choosing to Thrive Part 1:…
Choosing to Thrive Part 2:…
Ellen Antill is a Life Change Coach and the creator of Thriving in Wholeness Consulting in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Thriving in Wholeness provides a process for unlimited life transformation, beginning with unconditional love for yourself. It is a potent guide for navigating key life transitions, forming authentic heart-based relationships and fearlessly expressing who you are. Ellen offers the Thriving in Wholeness process to individuals and small groups, in-person and online. Ellen Antill, M.A. Life Change Coach Thriving in Wholeness Consulting P. O. Box 6753 Santa Fe, NM 87502 USA (505) 577-3930
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