MUMBAI, JULY 22, 2022: Every year, the 22nd of July is marked as the day that communities around the world come together to shine a light on the Fragile X Syndrome by illuminating monuments and landmarks globally in teal. Four the fourth year in a row, the Taj Mahal Tower, Mumbai is honoured to support the Fragile X Society of India by illuminating its façade in support of this important cause. As one of the most significant and widely recognized landmarks of Mumbai, this illumination lends important support to a draw attention to the tireless work by researchers and communities globally.
One of most common inherited single gene cause of autism, Fragile X is the best key we have to solving autism. Treatments for Fragile X are also likely to help people who have Alzheimer’s or other brain disorders. Since it causes intellectual disability and passes down silently through generations it is imperative to create awareness about it.