A study by the Deep Knowledge Group lists
the safest countries in the post-Corona world
Deep Knowledge Group recently completed a study assessing the Covid-19 condition in 200 countries. Switzerland has been ranked as the safest country in the world, with a total score of 752 points against all 130 parameters under categories of quarantine efficiency, healthcare readiness, risk management among others. Germany emerged as a close second with 749 points.
Even though Switzerland was very close to major epicenters of initial COVID-19 spread in Europe, the country has managed to control the virus. Despite experiencing significant volumes of infection spread and mortality at the early stages of the pandemic, the rates of mortality and new cases now, continue to decline.
The study concluded that as Switzerland has begun to relax lockdown measures and reinitiate economic activity, it survived and surpassed a very critical stress-test, succeeding to apply quick and efficient quarantine efforts, monitoring and detection, economic freezing and effective treatment, recovery and release of COVID-19 patients to prevent an overburdening of their healthcare systems.
Israel, Singapore, Japan, Austria, China, Australia, New Zealand and South Korea managed to make it to the top 10 list. However, India stood at 56th and USA at 58th position, respectively. Meanwhile, South Sudan with a score of 300, fell at the last i.e. at the 200th position with the worst COVID-19 situation, followed by Rwanda, Mali, Chad, Afghanistan, etc.
“Switzerland now occupies the #1 position as the safest region according to the present analysis, in large part due to a continuing decline in its rate of infection spread and mortality, and key factors that put it in a better position to maintain a healthy post-pandemic economy,” the report mentioned.
The country also recently announced its plans to reopen its borders to all EU/EFTA states and the United Kingdom as of June 15. Moreover, last month it had already confirmed to fully reopen borders with Austria, Germany and France on the aforementioned date.