The Secret to Happiness: Make Mental Health a Priority

Off late, you would have noticed, a buzzword doing the rounds on Instagram. It is obsessed with striving and pushing oneself without caring about...

Tips for Promptness, Punctuality and Anger Management

Promptness and Punctuality Your character is greatly judged on the qualities of Promptness and Punctuality. These ordinary-looking words are very significant. These characteristics signify the...
Female Struggles: Most Common Everyday Stressors for Women

Female Struggles: Most Common Everyday Stressors for Women

In today’s society, women are often perceived as more stressed than men. The cause of this might stem from the fact that they are...

Embracing Silence

The Need to Embrace Silence One lazy summer afternoon, I stumbled upon this beautiful image with the thought-provoking message and was so intrigued by its...

Stop Overthinking to Start Living

Why should you stop overthinking? As per Wikipedia overthinking is defined as -"Analysis paralysis is the state of over-analyzing (or over-thinking) a situation so that...

Anxiety & Depression: How to deal with it!!

Sonia was feeling lonely again; she was not able to understand why she was feeling so low since a few days. She has everything,...
Blissful like Buddha

Blissful like Buddha

"How to never be stressed again" Stress. This is most often used word today. I am afraid I will not get a promotion. Stress. I don't know whether my...

How to Improve Your Concentration

Improving Your Concentration Our mind simply cannot work in chaos. It is not natural. As human senses are prone to easy distractions, our concentration can...

Conquer Your Anger Naturally

Anger is considered as a response to feelings of hurt or threat or unhappiness we experience in unpleasant or provocative circumstances. According to Sivananda...

Ever Tried To Understand The Depths Of Addiction?

Insight into the world of drug addiction To ‘really’ understand the depths of addiction, let’s begin with statistics that depict the substantial addiction people have...

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