Here is a mom’s opinion about her little daughter wearing make up! Do you agree?
“Childhood is the phase when we shape our children’s minds and personality and prepare them for adulthood. This age takes into account physical, social and intellectual development. It would be very wrong to think that children do not understand anything. They listen to everything and try to comprehend things around them in their own way. Any wrong or improper information can stay in their minds and find expression in different ways even much later in life. Children love to imitate what they see. In our everyday lives, we do and say so many things in front of our children without thinking of consequences. This is what I have realized when my four-year-old daughter started throwing tantrums for using my make up. My four-year-old kid was asking for lipsticks and bronzers instead of toys and books! Have we really killed the innocence of children?
Usually, we expect children to play with toy trains and building blocks but when they try to enter into the arena of the adults, we find it shocking and appalling, without realizing that we have done the harm ourselves. The attitude of the parents, the media, the society, everything contributes to snatch away the innocence of our children. The reason why children have outgrown fantasies like Santa Claus is that we have started implanting the seed of sexualization too early in their minds. No wonder little boys look for stylish tees and hair gels to get a macho look and little girls want lip-glosses and eyeliners to appear attractive. On one instance, I was literally shocked to hear from one of my friends that her daughter got a lip gloss as a free gift with a children’s comic magazine. Have we really run out of gifts for children?
My relative advised me to let her use some of the products, as it would make her happy and look cute too. Sorry, but I couldn’t find any cuteness in a child barely able to talk properly apply redness on her lips and walk around like a miniature model. But I cannot blame her entirely. In fact, it is not my child’s fault at all. The fault lies with us entirely as we constantly make our little girls insecure by showcasing our own insecurities in front of them. We constantly talk about how we have gained weight or how a certain product makes us feel great.
There is also a need for a filter on the content they see on the television and a sensible approach from the media. Little girls in reality shows and television shows are made to look like attractive objects with loads of makeup on their faces are a horrible sight for me. Why should we allow it?
Makeup is not bad but everything has its own appropriate age. Even love isn’t bad but I cannot allow her to have a boyfriend at this age. She must know the meaning of things and be mature enough before taking her decisions. I would surely buy her a lippy once she is old enough to carry herself with confidence and develop her own style and attitude. Our children are born naturally beautiful and angelic. We do not need to ‘make’ them look cute. This destroys the natural cuteness and innocence in children. It is also high time that we become aware instead of laughing off and shoving anything and everything into the tiny hands of children. In a world, which has objectified women almost everywhere, we must make an effort to stop our little girls from being transformed into dolled up sex objects.”
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