We are all looking forward to better days where we can pack our bags and go back to planning vacations and exploring the world a little more. With international flights resuming to their pre-pandemic schedules the want for travel has also increased.

In light of these developments, on Thursday 12th May 2022 the CzechTourism India team along with the Embassy of the Czech Republic organized and hosted their first zoom webinar of 2022 titled ‘It’s time to Czech into Czech again!’ to update the Indian travel trade fraternity about the re-opening of Czech Republic for tourism from India and the process for applying for a visa to the country. With over a 250+ participants from across India, the webinar was surely a hit!

The webinar started with a welcome note from Mr. Roman Masarik, Charge d’affaires, Embassy of the Czech Republic, New Delhi who spoke about the importance of tourism in Czech Republic as well as the strong and cherished ties between the people of India and Czech Republic. Ms. Nicole Machova, Head of Consular Section, Embassy of the Czech Republic in New Delhi addressed the trade and updated them on the latest developments and the procedure for applying for a Czech Republic visa.

Mr. Roman Masarik
Ms. Nicole Machova

This was followed by a destination presentation by Ms. Abigail Divecha – Account Manager from the CzechTourism team from Mumbai who highlighted all the unique aspects of the destination. Mr. Marek Kroutil, International marketing Manager (India) from Czech Republic updated the participants on the guidelines and travel protocols to enter the destination.

Mr. Marek Kroutil

The webinar was concluded with a Q&A session where the delegates from the Embassy of the Czech Republic and CzechTourism authorities answered the queries raised by the travel trade fraternity on flights, procedures, SOPs, etc to visit Czech Republic from India and expressed their desire to visit the destination soon!

Choose your motivation, and choose your city, in the Czech Republic!