“The Girl Who Saw It All”
Management Executive and blogger, Rooprashi is an individual brimming with stories. The debutante author, whose debut novel “The Girl Who Saw It All” has made waves across the country seems to possess both compassion and composure, and a capacity for empathy that is clearly reflected in her writing. The Girl Who Saw It All, a coming of age story of love, loss, and learning. The novel revolves around the journey of self-discovery of Aarohi, a young woman who must choose between her friendship and romantic prospects when her best friend unexpectedly professes his love for her.
When her rejection of him ruin both, Aarohi is faced with some difficult choices and forced to see the world differently. Through the course of Aarohi’s story, Rooprashi raises some pertinent questions regarding what it means to be a good person in today’s world. The novel, through its gentle mix of guidebook-style philosophy, and poetic prose, seems to ask “How do you navigate the difficult pathways of romantic and professional lives? How do you get over someone? Do we find love again after losing it? How do you fulfill those dreams which seem impossible to be achieved?” Despite its brevity, the novel does succeed in answering most of these, as Aarohi and her readers learn more about themselves.
As Aarohi leaves behind her naivete and inexperience, along with the memories that stop her from fulfilling her true potential, her character remains relatable throughout. Her struggles are those that each individual faces and her insecurities are those that each one of us has felt sometime. Rooprashi’s simple, accessible prose is presented beautifully despite conveying complex ideas.
The plot, which deals with the themes of relationships, the loss of love and the difficulty of decision making, is complex enough to arouse interest but is simple enough to not be unbelievable. Aarohi’s journey, from her initial naivete to her later wisdom, makes her an excellent protagonist. Her story is relatable, her mistakes innocent, and her choices an accurate parallel to many questions we face as humans.
The book doesn’t give you ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answers to those questions, but it instead helps us understand the nature of the questions better, so we can answer them for ourselves.
Author Rooprashi has fantastic narration skills and chosen an important topic. All the characters, plot, and picturesque presentation has added extra charm. This book has a perfect blend of self -help, and romance. This book can be life changing and will make anyone think about the way we live these days. It will surely stay in your mind and make you introspect for many days after reading.
“A novel that adheres to the conventionally American format of the romantic genre while retaining its distinctive Indian flavour, Rooprashi’s debut is a triumph for independent women writers in India, and the grit of both, author and heroine, show that the ladies of Indian Literature are promising indeed.”
She has used pretty simple language so that anyone can read and understand it easily. The book is part guidebook, part story; and this format is particularly easy to read. You will find yourself flipping through the whole book, only to finish it and rest easy with the satisfaction of having been told the secrets of a happy life, but without the snooze fest of self-help. Once You start reading it, you would be tempted to finish it one go, but you can very well go back to it again and again to get an insightful understanding of almost every situation which life gets us in. It keeps you quite indulged while going through different scenes. In fact, the entire story is very heart touching and intriguing but there were few scenes when will make you feel extremely overwhelmed.
The book is motivational & you won’t forget it so soon. It’s going to linger in your mind for a certain amount of time unless you wish to throw yourself in the hands of evil or paths of hell. Hardly, we find any book that aims to lift your spirits or rekindle the spark of encouragement pushing you to the edge of your inner conscience compelling you to walk on the right path of life.
Life is as we’re aware of is a spiral of decision clouded by our inner conscience valued by the dilemma we face at every step. A story talks about a girl who pursues her dreams despite all the odds thrown on her path. No matter what challenges are thrown at her, she decides to step up & face destiny head-on.
Every chapter looks so beautiful and inspirational, a true inspiration to everyone who although see big dreams but gets lost in one or the other challenges in life and cannot gather enough courage to reach the skies. Nothing is impossible. It’s just a conviction and trust in yourself to reach and achieve the success u aspire for. Also, emotions are so nicely portrayed as if feelings are put down in paper just the way they are.
Overall, the story is pretty simple and something which really happens in real life because the events and everything that was happening is relatable. What really shines in the book though are the motivational and inspirational chapters which run parallelly with the plotline and they are arranged in such a way where they are matched with the main emotion in the previous chapter. So, that is really an interesting factor where the author related the self-help chapters with Aarohi’s emotions.
Rather than drowning us in instructions, the book follows the simple and most effective principle of storytelling “show, don’t tell”, and as we see the story of Aarohi and Rudra unfold, we can feel ourselves grow, too. The book is recommended to readers who enjoy self-help and management style guidebooks. Also, if you’re a fan of Indian Romance Writers like Durjoy Datta and Ravinder Singh, you’ll love this.
The cover is beautiful & well designed. Language is simple, good & easy to understand. The narration is simple, smooth & effective. This book will definitely make you happy & bring a smile on your face. Isn’t happiness is what we’re seeking for in our everyday lives?
Well, don’t wait! Just go ahead, read it & enjoy it! You can get your copy on Amazon https://www.amazon.in/Girl-Who-Saw-All/dp/9385440497/
About Rooprashi, Author of “The Girl Who Saw It All”
Rooprashi, an HR Professional working with GAIL (India) Ltd., a Maharatna Public-Sector Unit (PSU) is a budding writer. She has an artistic bent of mind since childhood and was involved in many activities in her school and college days. Since, the age of ten, she has been doing stage performances in singing and plays musical instruments like harmonium, piano, and flute. She is also quite active in sports like Table Tennis and has participated in “Artificial Wall Climbing” sport at National Level two times.
While she has always had a keen interest in writing, she never took her chance with it. It was when she became a mother, she felt a strong urge and confidence to write and she wrote a piece “Motherhood- An Ocean Of Feelings” which was published on a few websites. To her surprise, her article, which was shared online on a Facebook page, received amazing reviews and feedbacks. Many people shared her article and commended her on it. Thereafter, she gained her confidence in writing and starting blogging. She loves writing motivational and spiritual pieces as well as quotes. This paved the way to her debut novel ‘The Girl Who Saw It All’ which is receiving a lot of appreciation from readers across India including Mr. Navjot Singh Sidhu and Mr. Satya Pal Jain (Additional Solicitor General Of India) and has received positive coverage from different media (newspapers, Tv, and radio).
For more info on her and updates on her latest articles and books, you can visit her website; www.rooprashi.in
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2018@All Rights Reserved: Rooprashi.
Image Credits:Rooprashi.