Ice cream is a frozen dessert, having a luscious taste, a silky velvet Texture made from cream and ice, with added flavours and sweeteners. For This mixture is to get quickly frozen. it is blended continuously in a mixer, so that ice crystals do not form. Then the mixture is kept in the freezer to get thickened. In Some ice cream carrageenan, a gum found in seaweed is added in normal quantity so that it is not sticky and easily edible.
Made with milk and cream it has a lot of calories also because of the sugar content. Ice creams, like most other desserts, are advised to be consumed in moderation. However, even ice lollies and sorbets are considered ice creams even if they have no milk. These days we get Ice Creams for DIAB patients too.
Ice cream was first eaten as early as 500 B.C in Persia. In the Achaemid Empire, an ancient Persian Dynasty, Ice cream was made of ice combined with flavorings. In 400 BC, the Persians invented a special type of ice cream reserved to the royalty during summers.
A local belief is that a Plainfield man named Mr. Sonntag created the sweet dish “after the urgings of patrons to serve something different.” He named it, the “sonntag” after himself, and since Sonntag means Sunday in German, the name was translated to Sunday, and later was spelled sundae.
The inevitable change came and we get a motley of Ice Creams in different shapes, different flavors. Ice creams from every corner of the world create their own concoctions…….Ice Creams are available In Cones, Slices and now the trend is Ice cream cakes and a Baked Alaska that can take you to Heights, a blissful feeling.
Improvisations have reached to the extent of making FRIED ICE CREAMS
Yes, Ice creams can steal any one’s heart.
Enjoy it with SOMEONE YOU LOVE
– Author Chef Nandu

Chef Nandakumar Menon or ‘Chef Nandu as he is known evolved into the Super Chef series. He was at the CASINO HOTEL in Kochi and later at the remarkable COCONUT LAGOON in Kumarakom. Both iconic Hotels and restaurants of repute for the quality and consistency of food offered at their restaurants. Coconut Lagoon where Chef Nandu headed the kitchen moulded him to cater to international clientele from all over the world coming in to experience the magic of the backwaters of Kerala and Kerala itself as a unique destination.
From his early Catering Technology days at Adayar, Chennai and training at the famed TAJ MAHAL INTERCONTINENTAL HOTEL, Mumbai, Chef Nandu was back again at the Welcome Group’s ADAYAR PARK INN, Chennai.
Later he headed the setting up of the various F&B outlets of the ABAD PLAZA group, Kochi as its Corporate Chef.
And then with the Quilon Beach hotels, Chef Nandu created a redefined art of culinary expertise. His clientele were Doctors, Cashew businessmen and of course celebrities from the tinsel world, the cloyed connoisseurs had a different feel with his nouvelle cuisine.
He still loves to cook and share his valuable experience of the world of food with The Daily Brunch and its readers in our series on SUPER CHEFS.