Treat your tastebuds and enjoy the local culinary traditions of the region.
3rd December 2019: Creative cuisine, gourmet and health conscious kitchens, five-star restaurants and international fare, trendy eateries and traditional apple wine pubs – Frankfurt’s culinary offerings are truly diverse.
Frankfurt is known to be the most international city of Germany and the financial hub of Europe. Yet, it is deep rooted in culture and tradition. The traditional Frankfurt cuisine revolves around a few dishes, without which any dining experience in the city is incomplete.
One particular preparation is Gruene Sosse, a green sauce, prepared with seven different types of green herbs and served with hard boiled eggs and potatoes. According to legend, Gruene Sosse was Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s favourite dish, invented by his mother. Frankfurt locals connect this delicious fare with the renowned poet and author, who was born in Frankfurt. This dish is also honoured annually with the traditional Green Sauce festival- which is a seven day culinary celebration.
Another local specialty are the ‘Frankfurter sausages’, flavourful long, thin sausages, lightly smoked and made from pork. True to its name, these sausages are only produced in the greater Frankfurt region. Butchers outside of this area have to call the sausages “Nach Frankfurter Art”, which means “they are made like Frankfurters, but not in the Frankfurt area”. Traditionally, they are served with bread, yellow mustard and potato salad and are a definitely a must-try when in Frankfurt.
To end the Frankfurt gastronomic journey on a sweet note, do not miss the traditional ‘Frankfurter Kranz’ or crown cake. It is a butter creme cake created in the 17th century by an unknown baker. Frankfurt was seen as the “crown city” of the German Empire for many years, and the cake symbolises a crown with golden brittles placed outside and jewel-like cherries as decoration.
The culinary aspect of the region is not complete without Frankfurt’s most popular beverage, apple wine or locally known as “Ebbelwei” with a tradition for over 250 years. Locals and tourists enjoy it at the city’s rustic apple wine pubs, mainly across the river in Sachsenhausen where it is served in an earthenware jug, commonly referred to as the “bembel”
Travellers can also get a taste of Frankfurt’s traditional dishes on a guided city walking tour. Priced at €, 76,00 this tour lets you discover the hidden culinary jewels of the RhineMain region. This 2.5 hour walking tour guides you to the heart of Mainhatten. On your stops along the way you get to taste authentic specialities like “Grie Soß” deluxe, delicious local potato salad with typical sausage, or a special apple treat.The tour starts In front of the TRAFFIQ info booth at the Hauptwache with a minimum number of 16 guests.
Online reservation is recommended and can be booked here.