1) Can you tell us a bit about yourself and your career path so far?
I am working as a School Principal with 15+ yrs of experience in education and also assisting 20+ schools as an academic consultant. I have spearheaded deliberations and educational workshops in 150+ schools and been actively involved in public speaking about my area of expertise — education. I shares my candid thoughts on critical issues via my Facebook page “the unfiltered educationist” and my YouTube channel “PriyaSangwan”
2) What motivates you to work?
It’s Growth. Like John Henry Newman said “growth is the only evidence of life.”
3) What part of your occupation do you personally find most satisfying and most challenging?
If you don’t settle for mediocrity, every job becomes challenging and the moment you complete each challenge, you only feel one thing i.e. satisfaction.
4) What’s the most interesting thing about you that we wouldn’t learn from your profile alone?
I learn so fast that even if I tell everything I know, today, I will have something more to tell you, tomorrow.
5) What skills are the most crucial to succeeding in this career? What type of person do you need to be?
I guess, adaptability. I aim for higher adaptability with every passing day. Because, I truly believe in what Charles Darwin once said – “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.”
6) What are some things outside of work that you’re irrationally passionate about?
Undoubtedly, health. Warren Buffett takes it a step further by offering an analogy: “Let’s say that I offer to buy you the car of your dreams. You can pick out any car that you want, and then when you get out of class this afternoon, that car will be waiting for you at home.”
As with most things in life, Buffett says there’s just one catch: It’s the only car you’re ever going to get…in your entire life. “Now, knowing that, how are you going to treat that car?” he asks.
“You’re probably going to read the owner’s manual four times before you drive it; you’re going to keep it in the garage, protect it at all times, change the oil twice as often as necessary,” says Buffett. “If there’s the least little bit of rust, you’re going to get that fixed immediately so it doesn’t spread — because you know it has to last you as long as you live.”
“You have only one mind and one body for the rest of your life,” Buffett says. “If you aren’t taking care of them when you’re young, it’s like leaving that car out in hailstorms and letting rust eat away at it. If you don’t take care of your mind and body now, by the time you’re 40 or 50, you’ll be like a car that can’t go anywhere.”
I find this whole analogy, so true.
7) How is this industry affected by the economy pre and post-pandemic?
Nothing changed intrinsically; nature nudges from time to time, only agile and adaptable one’s survive.
8) From your perspective, what are the problems you see working in this field? What was the biggest challenge you were facing?
It’s talent. This is a sorry situation but real. We as an industry lack the shimmer and gratify ourselves with whatever left over we receive.
9) Moving forward, do you have any special words of encouragement for our readers as result of your experience?
Self discipline and hard-work, these two words are just magical and can change everything around you. I know, these are simple words but let me put it in Charlie Munger’s words “simple doesn’t necessarily means easy”; you need to put a lot of effort to make simple things happen but once you do it, they will take care of the rest.
10) On the last note, would you like to give us an insight on your future plans
Just one plan; convincing as many people as possible, about the power of compounding and getting them ready for 1 percent improvement every day. Here’s how the math works out: if you can get 1 percent better each day for one year, you’ll end up thirty‐seven times better by the time you’re done. Conversely, if you get 1 percent worse each day for one year, you’ll decline nearly down to zero.
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