When you decide to make the switch from a suitcase to a travel backpack, it is difficult to decide what to buy. If you have never purchased one before, the options may seem endless. What size should you get? What features do you need?
Here are some tips to consider:-
Some of the most important decisions to make when buying a travel backpack revolve around what you are using it for. If you are going on a year-long backpacking journey, then you are going to need a pretty large backpack. Sixty to seventy-five liters will fit a lot of items while still being possible to carry.
As a female, another important feature when choosing a travel backpack is whether or not the straps are adjustable. If you are on the shorter side, it might be best to buy a backpack with adjustable shoulder straps so that you can move them down to fit you. The strap that comes around your waist should sit on your hips. If it is too high or too low, it will be very uncomfortable to carry the backpack, and you could risk back problems.
In order to find the size that fits you best, go to a store that carries large backpacks. Most outdoor stores will. Try on different brands and sizes. If you are not satisfied, try another store. You can buy your backpack from one of these stores, but you may be able to find it cheaper online. You can try them on to get an idea and then look for the backpack online later to find the best deal. You can buy travel backpacks from www.amazon.com for really pocket friendly prices, so try there first.
Another feature to consider with your travel backpack is whether or not it is waterproof. Not all travel backpacks will be waterproof, but they may come with a waterproof cover that is kept in the bottom of the backpack that you can use when it starts to rain. This thin waterproof layer of material will keep some of the rain out when it is draped over the full backpack, but if it is very hard rain, it might go through your backpack. If you want a fully waterproofed backpack, make sure that the material on the actual backpack is waterproof. This way, you will not need to worry about your clothes getting wet. If you do not think you will be outside with it in the rain often, then maybe the extra rain protective cloth is enough for you. It all depends what you are using the backpack for.
A front-opening backpack is a very nice feature to consider. If you only have a top-loading backpack, then you will have to take all of the contents out of the pack when reaching for items that have been shoved into the bottom. With a front-opening pack, you can lay the backpack down and open it up from the center to get closer to the items in the bottom of the backpack without needing to remove all the items from the top. The more zippers on the front of the backpack, the easier it is to find your items.
Once you have purchased your perfect travel backpack, the easiest way to pack your clothes is to roll them up. Stuff as much as possible in, but remember, you do have to carry it!