Read About What Is the Podiatry Medicine And It’s Treatment

If you are suffering from any kind of pain on your feet, ankle or knee then you must consult with a podiatrist. Podiatry medicine is associated with the foot problems and podiatrists are specialized on foot, ankle and knee surgery too.

Basically, they evaluate your foot problems and find out what is bothering you and then they can prescribe some medicine or exercise to reduce the pain. Even if they find any major problem on your feet then they can also perform some minor surgery with local anesthesia.

Why would you visit podiatry clinic?

Podiatry medicine is related to foot pain and podiatrists can deal with painful feet, flat foot, and high arched feet. Apart from that, if you suffer from corns and ligament problems then you can consult with the podiatrists. There are some diseases such as Patellofemoral syndrome, Iliotibial band syndrome and Osgood Schlatter’s problems which can be treated by the podiatrists.

There are some medical colleges that provide small courses on podiatry medicine. Whoever wants to be a podiatrist, can join such courses after graduation and complete the course in order to pursue the career. So, if you are a sportsperson and feel pain in your ligament then you must visit a podiatry clinic. Along with the podiatrists, these clinics have orthotics, orthopaedic doctors and podiatry nurses. So, they can easily evaluate your problems and find out the causes of your foot pain. Then they will prescribe some medicines or exercises, and they can also suggest you do some medical examinations such as x-ray and CT scan of your feet depending on your needs.

Various treatments provided by podiatrists

  • If you are suffering from chronic pain, then podiatrists can suggest you do some stretching exercises. With the help of these exercises, you can reduce the pain from your lower limb portions.
  • Apart from that, if they find any internal injury in your lower limb areas then they can suggest you take cold and hot fomentation because hot and cold fomentation can reduce the pain by removing the muscle strains.
  • Ladies, especially those who are suffering from diabetes and arthritis can suffer from ankle and foot pain. Such issues can also lead to pain on their lower limb area due to wearing high heels shoes. In this case, it is suggested to opt for regular pedicures to remove the muscle strain from your lower limb area. If you feel any chronic pain, then you must consult with the podiatrist to take proper medication.
  • If you suffer from fungal nails and infections on feet, then you can consult with the podiatrists. They will remove the infected areas and prescribe proper medicine to reduce the infections and pain. Apart from that, sportspersons need to consult with the podiatrists on the regular basis because they can suffer from ligaments pain, lower limb problems and feet pain due to the sports injury.
  • Bunions or big toe issue is a major problem. Big toe tends to go inward of the second tow and this is known as hammer tow or hallux valgus. In this case, you need to consult with the podiatrists and they can change your footwear to solve this problem. Even they can also perform some surgery to reduce your pain.

In some places, podiatry medicine has limited access and podiatrists cannot prescribe any medicine. Even they cannot perform any surgery also. But in major states, podiatry medicine is treated as a branch of medical course and doctors can take podiatry medicine as specialization. So, you need to check the certifications of the podiatrists before consulting and they must complete the Doctor of Podiatry Medicine after their under-graduation. You can search for some of the best podiatry clinics online and check their online reviews and experience level before consulting.

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Melissa Hamler is a Professional Guest Blogger
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