The Most Common Exercise Injuries

Almost all active people, both professional athletes, and recreational gym users or runners, will come close to or experience a workout injury. So, get to know your enemy and learn all about most common exercise injuries and ways to prevent them.

Strained back

The number one exercise-related injury is definitely back strain. Prolonged sitting at work and at home weakens the back muscles and when people go to the gym, their backs give out. So, make sure to strengthen your back muscles before you grab those heavyweights and watch your posture at all times. You should also start your every workout session with a nice stretch!

Shoulder injuries

Shoulder joints are involved in many different motions, which often results in injuries caused by overuse and bad technique. Shoulder dislocation or rotator cuff damage is especially painful and serious. So, as soon as you notice any pain in your shoulder, make sure to rest and not push through it. You can also do exercises to straighten your shoulder muscles.

Knee injuries

If you engage in any physical activity that involves a lot of jumping and sudden direction change, you might be in risk of knee injury. Anterior Cruciate Ligament or Posterior Cruciate Ligament tears are especially serious and they can immobilize you for months and even require a surgery! Prevent these injuries by strengthening the muscles in your feet and hips to provide good stability and remove the stress from the knee.

Another common knee-related injury is definitely the runner’s knee. This issue is caused by severe irritation of the kneecap cartilage and it’s very common among both professionals and recreational runners. So, make sure to take shorter strides and strengthen your quad, hip and glute muscles.

Foot injuries

When you spend the most of your day crunched in front of your computer, your shoulders will point inwards, which puts a lot of weight to the front of your foot. So, once you grab your running shoes and start running (which automatically makes you tip forward), you’ll put tremendous pressure on your toes and front of the feet, which can cause a lot of pain and many injuries. So, make sure to fix your posture and get good running shoes that are low in the heel. Tennis shoes or walking shoes are your best choice. They will help spread the impact over your whole foot and prevent many symptoms like anterior and lateral compartment syndrome, bunions and Achilles tendonitis.

Achilles tendinitis

Speaking of Achilles tendonitis, it’s a very painful injury that usually occurs during exercising when your tendon tightens and becomes irritated. In order to reduce the risk of Achilles tendinitis, start with your workout easy and strengthen your calf muscles.

Teeth damage

One of the most common reasons people end up at the dentist’s office is contact sports. Any hit to the mouth can cause tooth chipping, teeth getting knocked out or driven in and fractured roots. So, if you’re playing hockey, American football, basketball or practice any type of martial arts, make sure to get a good mouth guard. For instance, if you get a custom wrestling mouth guard, you’ll not only help prevent any tooth trauma but also lessen the impact of the blow to the face and reduce the possibility of tongue, lip and cheek bites. Also, custom mouth guards are a much better choice than cheap boil-and-bite options because they are made specifically for you and they won’t fall out, obstruct your breathing or blur your speech.

Head injury

Another common injury connected with contact sports are concussions caused by knockouts or harsh blows to the head. So, make sure to wear all the necessary protective gear and take your time after a concussion. For instance, professional boxers aren’t even allowed to fight again for at least 3 months after a knockout!

Muscle cramps

Both pro athletes and people who are just starting with their exercises are at risk of getting muscle cramps. Muscle cramps are involuntary contractions of muscles (they can occur anywhere in the body) and are very painful and unpleasant. They usually occur when you’re not properly warmed up or hydrated during your workout. So, make sure to drink plenty of fluids before, during and after your workout to replenish your electrolytes and conduct a proper warm up and stretch before and after your exercise session. Also, check your potassium levels and keep them consistent!


Basically, any sport puts you at risk of getting ugly and painful bruises. However, these common sports injuries are practically harmless little under-skin bleedings that occur after a strong direct hit. You might feel the area of the bruise being tender for some time, but you have nothing to worry about. It most cases, bruises don’t require any special treatment whatsoever!

Now that you know what can befall you during your workout, you’ll be ready to battle these injuries and continue with your training pain- and trauma-free!


Author: Diana Smith

Disclaimer: The Daily Brunch does not own the credits to the content or the image

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